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Evidence: Review of local food definitions
Blog: Beyond supermarkets: How local food systems are closing the loop on food waste
News: New Regional Food Hubs Support Programme open
News: Supermarkets still lack robust antibiotic policies, despite alarming rise in antibiotic resistance
News: Who eats organic and what are they looking for?
News: Sustain joins call to Prime Minister to enable healthier local food environments
Blog: 5 reasons why local food matters
News: Carrick Greengrocers launch Friendly Food Club
News: New report finds agroecological farmers open to tech yet cautious of developer-driven technologies
News: Scaling out local food systems: New research published
Evidence: Growing the Local Food Sector: A snapshot of barriers and solutions
News: Hackney schools cook up organic fruit and vegetables
News: New collective TALC aims to enhance agroecological knowledge sharing across the UK
News: Getting organic Welsh veg into primary school meals in Wales
Event: Bridging the Gap: through local retail
Blog: Local food benefits go far beyond food miles
News: Secure food supply - Food and farming group call on Defra to pilot a Food Hub Fund
Evidence: A tale of two counties: Strengthening local food cultures through mapping supply chains in East Sussex and Lancashire
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